Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Red Book of Startup - Startup 101

Startup 101

By Chang Liu

Red Book of Startup

Table of Contents

Part I
The Core

Part II
The Process

Part III
Elements of startup design

Part IV
Essential business, humanity, economics, and philosophy

Part V
The Startup Tools
(for starting business, running business, and obtain funding)

Appendix and resources

The Teensharks startup video stories library
The book library
The dictionary and vocabulary
The pictorial cards gallery
The case studies library
The Q&A vault
The Quotes cards
Social media: youtube, instagram, pinterest, and Twitter.

The indexes
Important Tips #important_startup_tips  ☝
Hard rules #startup_hard_rules (important lessons earned on battlegrounds, veteran hacks)  ✌
The myth #startup_myth ☕

Starting up a business is to establish a business from new.  It is not just to startup a company.  The company only facilitates the business.  A startup business consists of three parts: (1) THE BUSINESS; (2) THE STARTUP; (3) THE FOUNDERS.  A founder is the chief builder - the founder build (1) the business and sale; (2) the company; (3) the offering; (4) the name.

Part I
The Core

Part II
The Process

Chapter 1: Cooking up a startup - the essential ingredients and steps

Four essential processes: Offering to Market to Customer; Curiosity to Product to Merchandise, Personal Knowledge to Experience to Maturity (link)

Other flows of larger scale: history, discovery, society, war, diffusion

The required elements of a startup
Managing the two jumps: focus to growth, early to mature

Chapter 2: Readiness evaluation
Startup Readiness Levels
Startup Personal Readiness
Startup Product Readiness
Startup Market Readiness
Startup Funds Readiness

Chapter 3: The learning and practice of startup skills
Time axis

Chapter 4: Participate in the connection and flow

Business supply chain
The flow and transactions of money and value

Part III
Elements of startup design

Chapter 1: The frame work of design
Heaven, Earth, and Human
The Builder in Chief: Founders, Investor, Talents
Time, repeat and accumulation
The world refreshes itself.

Chapter 2: Beginning and End of Startup
The only element that matters: SALES
You can invent anything, but you need to steal a sale. The era of "make something and they will come" is over.
The startup process ends with a brand

The exit of various players

Chapter 3: Choosing a business to start

Types of business to start
Definition of a good business
Repeated sales and continuous operations

Chapter 4: Mixing the high and low, big and small

An idealistic person making money, and a technical person making sales

The mixing of dream, details, money and sweat
The elements that are rare and relative: Sales, Quality, and Talent

No one will buy anything.  The value to money exchange

Chapter 5: Business if Final Level of the Game

Business is war, not a war game

Business is survival, cash is survival, innovation is survival

Quality is only barrier you can count on
You are the chief builder: vision, trust, talent around you, money, and quality

Business is about collaboration. Business model - Ecosystem
Business is about extreme focus.
Business is about giving maximum joy.
Business is about relentless money and profit making.

Chapter 6:  The Elements and their connections
The elements and contradictions (dream and focus; focus and scaling)

The elements and confusions

The chains of elements

Chapter 7: You understanding yourself and managing your life

Personal career planning: livelihood and employment process
Managing the three opposite: Grand and Detailed, Focus and Grow, You and World

Innovation of world renewing itself, not you renewing
Startup is giving people what they want, not to make them pay for what you intend to sell

You are not the center of business (give what people want; give more to make money)

For the first three years, you are your worst enemy

Chapter 8: How do investors see your business and offering
#startup_quote Investors may not be as clever, but they are not fools
Investment and investors - what do they want and what do you want?

Chapter 9: Hard way is the only way to go, the easy way is a setup

Ideation fantasy busters
New is not the answer (novel and new; different and new)
Offering to satisfy a need is bad way to start
Getting rich should not be your motivation
Cleverness is not the answer

Chapter 10: The Long Haul Finisher: Rule of thumb target numbers as reference

The numbers from reliable sources

Part IV
Essential business, humanity, economics, and philosophy

Types of knowledge

Talent Equals Balance of Integrity, Skills, Aspiration

Catch All For Future
Hash tag collection

Part V
The Startup Tools
(for starting business, running business, and obtain funding)
The entire startup is build on three preconditions: sales, quitting your job, and two people.  If not, it is called a hobby or prequel.
Templates for ideation

Tools for managing production of quality products
Tools for bringing your products to markets
Tools for enticing your customers to the same market

Business plan tools
Business model generation tools
Business choice tools
Product development tools
Startup school homework and quizzes
A brand is a name that you decide to own and monopolize, so that people can find you.
 A sale is someone else's livelihood you decide to steal.
The NEW in innovation is the new strategy for doing an old business much better (called a disruption).  The SECRET in innovation is the details of your method.   
Startup is not about participation and hope.  It is to monopolize a very well defined sector of business and provide maximum value to your customers but prevent others from doing the same.

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