Saturday, April 4, 2020

The professor's disadvantage

Focus on the keywords: sales, want, focus. 
Focus on something extremely small first, think later. 

Hash tag basket and draft basket

When I was a professor, I did not know
- all my knowledge is only beginner knowledge
- people only invest in business, not ideas
- being rich is easy, as long as you do the hard things
- meaning of life is easy.  Focus and repeat.  Have vision and drive to it.
- industry is the center of universe. innovation is a business concept, not scholar concept.
- did not know the shortcut to business is
- ivory tower is the inner side of a sharp thingy.  the knowhow is more than knowledge.
- thing is only start of business.  inventor, gadget, imaginative are just for things.
- the first time failure is required.
- not ta shi 踏实

A professor thinks
I am clever
I am advanced
I am rare
I am everyone's teacher

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